Page name: Second gen Npcs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-12-11 06:24:04
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Facility people

0.Zido (First male none human to be in the government)


1. Elena. (She was the second nonhuman to join the government, she is usually locked away in a special room. She gets glimpse of the future and is usually questioned everyday on future events.)

2. Cassandra(Left) & Lola (Nellie's younger sister):

3. Tina (left) & Nellie(right):

4. Susan:

5. Isa ( second in command of research and development. As well as a member of the historical preservation comity) :

6. Kimi:

7. Ike:

8. Steven.

Age: 18

Race: Human

Class: Gunner.

History: He grow up on the streets, his mother protected him from a lot of the chaos but he still experienced some of the bullying from thugs, especially after he started scamming people out of money. He got lucky when he was 15. the government came and found his mother defending him against thugs and offered her a job. seven months later he lost mother when they weren't able to cure her, after a demon attacked her and injected her with a tissue-eating virus.


9. Christina: (Fuyu's roomie)

10. Connie the 'health' cook:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1376685115.jpg>

11. Denis the 'meaty' cook:<img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1376685253.jpg>

12. Candy the 'sweet' cook:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1376685373.jpg>

13. Melina & Lisa one of the new clerk: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1376685840.jpg><img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1376685904.jpg>

14. Sandra and Lukas the new doctors:

15. Lavaria (La-va-air-E-ah)

The first non-human to join the government, considered 'Unstable' she was altered and is now mostly mechanical so the government could control her better.

16. (From left to right) Tech Team fourth, second, & third Seats.
Luke, Triden, Nikolas


17: Farlend (A great tracker if not the best):

18: Isla (second in command of the Psychology team in America but transferred to the new facility four months ago)

19: "Lollipop" (The head of prison security);

Age: unknown

Race: unknown


20: Shade:

21: Ureshii, Shinsetsu, Yawarakai, and Satou~





22. Yone:


23: Sophia (One of Betty's granddaughter)



1. Violet

Race :Human

Class: O.o ummm she uses an axe... But not for battles.

Age: 18

A girl living in peace completely unaware of the undead and supernatural that is roaming the world.

2. Kimberley

Age: 19

Race: Human

Class: Gypsy

Ability: She can hypnotize people with her music~ (think of 'The Pied Piper' and yes.... She is for hire)

Kimberley usually is at a tavern or bar playing music for money, but she's willing to work for you if you have the right money.


3. Ryan.

Race: were-Sugerglider (yes I've just made a new awesome race)

Class: Blade

"I'm bored lets cut something up... Or something... I don't really care as long as it's fun or interesting... What?.... Oh... Sorry I wasn't reading your lips..... This song has a good beat... Want to dance?"


4. Marinete:

Age: 17

Race: Human

Class: Sword fighter

History: She's been living with her brother ever since her father died from a illness when she was eight. four years ago her brother was kidnapped, a year later she found out he had been turned into a demon when she tried killing the demon her brother ended up defending it, the demon nearly killed her and left her dying body think he had. A traveling hermit found her just in time to save her She's been trying to trying her brother down ever since, killing any demon she comes a crossed on the way. She also trying to find a way turn her brother back into a human.

Items: Her coat ,boots ,goggles (for snow storms) Hat, and sword.


5. Coryn
Age: 15


6. Jasolen (Ja-so-lean)

She owns a food stand in district eighteen.


7.Jasmine: (helps run the food stand)

8. Melphie & Delvic: (the historians/Librarians siblings of district thirteen)





9: Melina: (a traveling merchant/ gypsy)

10: Alice: (A singer turns assassin)

11: Killa and Carlos (traveling gypsies)




12. Aria Lakesun 

Age: 16

Race: ghost

Class: -

History: She was attacked by a vampire a week after her sixteenth birthday. She appears in several different areas. She tries helping people, but most the time just ends up scaring people, she doesn't understand why since she doesn't know she's dead.

13. Penelope Jackson

Age: 22

Race: Human.

Class: gypsy.

History: She is the daughter of one of the heads of the military, but she tends to play more with the 'bad guys' then the government, in secret of course~ she's a very good ally to have although she is bored easily and when that happens she's likely to ditch you or get you killed. she grow up seeing death and the brutal treatment of non humans, but unlike most people she found it interesting, sometimes even beautiful~ she is very hard to read, and is good at playing innocent.


14.Clark (top) and Hennery Gabble

Race: Half werecat, Half Vampire.

Classes: ....Hand to hand & Spear/knife. 


15. 'L' Gabble.


16: Elis Hobson:


17. Vladimir (Tristen's father)

Race: Pureblood vampire

Class: Hand-to-hand and blade

Abilities: He can throw a dagger or Kunai with perfect accuracy, but mostly uses them as a distraction, while the target is focused on dodging the weapon thrown at them he uses his inhuman speed to sneak up on and strike them down with a rather powerful punch that can split a tree in half or break someone's jaw.

Age: 118


18. Hope McNally

age: 16

Class: hand to hand.

Ability: Manifestation/ spirit travel. She can go to anyone or any place she's been, through spirit. while doing this though, she can not harm anyone and her body defenseless. It would be very dangerous if a spirit possessed her body.


19: Bell Hobson


Haniko's people.

1. Belladonna (the Medic)

2. Delilah: (the cook)

3. Loyd:

4. Carus:

5. May:

6. Benjamin:


~The Seekers~

Undead Zoo! the four chains

Go to:Undead Zoo! Npc page 2

Go to: Undead Zoo! more Npc!

Back:Undead Zoo! Second generation~

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2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: I thought this, and it made me laugh. XP

Adult!Fuyu: *changes into her kitty form~ She is sleek and covered in soft silvery-gray fur...except for her hind legs below the knees*

Adult!Sean: "Pft! Hahaha!" XD "I didn't know you were part hairless!"

Older!Jace: *sighs* "That's why I keep tellin' werecreatures: Don't wax. Shave."

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: pffffft hahaha!! She a puddle cat!

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: >.< *hisses at only Sean because she's scared of Jace and doesn't want to tell Yuki to shut up*

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: ...I'm sorry I really shouldn't be laughing

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: =^_^=

Sean: "Yeah, you should!" XD

Fuyu: e_______e

Jace: "Good call." *nods to Yuki*

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: *turns to Jace protending to hug him....but is really laughing into him*

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: e___e *pats Yuki's back and pinches his armpit when no one's looking to sober him up*

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: *steps back smiling...before whispering* thanks pops

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: *whispers back* "Welcome."

Sean: "Sweet moment." e__e

2013-08-27 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: hmm we never did get Older Amber's npc pic up

2013-08-27 [Kbird]: that's cause I'm not sure what she'll be...we haven't really settled it yet

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: You put the guy up! XD

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: Yes the boytoy! I've kinda got a warm spot for him.

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: He's kind of dorky and kind of sweet and kind of annoying and just perfect. XP

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: Yes-yes he is! XD that's how he got me.

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: XP I think Fuyu finds him amusing.

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: Hehe I've noticed.

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: What's his opinions on the four he's met? (Or five, if you count the roomie.)

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: Well, Sean he thinks is kinda cool, but they all scare him. Yuki really scares him some for Fuyu, although now he's not so scared of Fuyu. Rose he hasn't really decided on yet.
the roomie's insane

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: He thinks the guy that started it all by saying "Hey! You, the dude with the horse-face! Where's my money?!" is kinda cool? XD

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: lol yes...he's a dorky kid like you said....he manly thinks he's cool cause Sean helped him out and he saw Sean fight before

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: Ah. XP He's not a very experienced fighter, huh? Was he watching Fuyu at the training grounds to pick up on tips, or was he just passing by when Sean saw him?

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: He was taking notes. XP

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: XD Did he learn anything, or did it all fly away from his mind in the sheer terror of being chased~

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: fly away~!! XD

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: XP Should the other four help him out, one of these days?

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: lol maybe~ if they can find him, he's kinda everyone's B****

2013-08-29 [ancienteye]: XD Oh, dear...

2013-08-29 [Kbird]: hehe yeah, it kinda like "Hey since you can't fight you can make yourself usful by doing this!"

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